Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm blaming the weird weather...

Since my last post, I lost my 18-year-old cat, so things have been extra stressful. I had a migraine last Monday (2/20) with no aura. It wasn't particularly bad, but did make work difficult and exhausting that day. Then today, I was working at home when I realized I was having trouble seeing things on the computer screen- kind of like when you see spots after flash bulbs or looking at something bright- in the middle of the my field of vision. Of course, it continued expanding and I realized it was a migraine aura with the pulsating flashing zigzags expanding from a small point near the center of my vision to form a 'C' shape to the left and finally out of the my field of vision. Today's was really more square than rounded, but tell-tale nonetheless. I checked the time when I first noticed it and again after it was gone to determine it was about 30 minutes- the headache and dizziness started as the zigzags got toward the edge of my vision. I can't think of anything unusual I've done today- I walked at work yesterday (at lunch), walked on the treadmill at home this morning. The weather is unusually warm- it has been all winter- and the pressure was high this morning. I don't know if there's a connection, but there you go. Another blog friend (in the area) mentioned having a migraine, too, so there must be something strange going on. Hopefully, I will be fine for work tomorrow...


Seeking Solace said...

Mine are back now! I think it's the change in barometric pressure with the weather. :(

Compulsivewriter.com said...

Have you ever had an MRA? Just wondering. I have had many, many medical tests over the past 7.5 years and next is the MRA. Not that I've had migraines before now. There were lesions/white dots on both my MRI from 06 and more from the one done a month ago. This usually means MS, but the story goes on, so I won't.

I visited your (other) blog because I'm a writer who had planned a back story and part of the plot for a novel to include the tenure process. I'm overwhelmed now and who knows if the story will ever be finished!

I appreciate your information about the tenure process and empathize with you and your migraine pain. Hang in there and thanks for sharing.